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{The List} - Diplomacy

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  • #16
    I put some stuff in the AI thread. Diplomacy and DoW AI.

    1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
    That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
    Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
    Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


    • #17
      To expand upon the whole idea of vassal states and imperialism and suggest, I suggest another diplomatic state to go along with war, peace, alliance, and those things.

      You could demand that another civilization become a territory of yours. Once this happens, new diplomatic options are available to you. You would have the ability to gain access to certain parts of your territory's civilization. You could ask to control the construction of improvements, or military units, or their income sliders, their science, and other such things.

      This way you could simulate the ways in which civilizations control other civilizations without actually owning their cities.

      While writing this I realized that few players (computer or AI) would ever actually agree to a situation like this. Because of that, there must be a way to threaten people during diplomatic negotiations.

      You give me control of your industry.
      I don't burn your capital and rape your women.
      Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
      "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


      • #18
        You need a wonder (or facility, or something) like the Eiffel Tower or whatever it was that improved your reputation over time. The most annoying thing about Alpha Centauri diplomacy is that there's practically no way to repair your reputation - even for comparatively minor transgressions.

        It could improve your reputation very slowly, and it could be contingent on you not committing more atrocities or breaking any more treaties.


        Suppose your reputation is calculated in the programming as a score between 0 and 1,000, where 0 is pariah and 1,000 is beloved. When you have the wonder, your reputation score increases by one point in every two-turn period in which you do not commit an atrocity or break a treaty.
        Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


        • #19
          Again and again I ask for EU type of diplomacy. It is much clearer; you can understand why somebody does not like you (religion, or you made a war with its friend). EU type of alliances rocks! Negotiations to make peace and decisions who gets what after the war are great! Ability to look at the map how any country treats other countries is very welcome. There are many other aspects that I want to see in CIV game that are in EU diplomacy model.
          The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
          certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
          -- Bertrand Russell


          • #20
            There should be a diplomatic state between two civilizations when they first meet. It would just be Contact. There would be no formal peace treaty of any sort, and because of that no need for formal declarations of war. Units from these civilizations could attack and destroy the other's units at will without suffering a hit to their reputation, to war weariness, or having to deal with many civilizations ganging up on the attacking civilization.

            The caveat would be that diplomatic relations between these two civilizations would be severely limited until a peace treaty was formally written. There would definitely be no trading of strategic resources or of technologies, and none of the other nifty things that come with embassies and such. Yah, and a peace treaty would be required before an embassy could be established.

            And one thing would still have meaning in this type of relation. Borders would be respected. Trespassing or taking another civilization's cities would still be considered an act of war.

            I think this would allow for early expansion with a bit more flavor to it. You could model the almost continual warfare that occurred then without having to switch to a war footing. Minor conflicts would just be a natural part of ancient civilization and you wouldn't have fullblown wars until your states became more cohesive and organized.
            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


            • #21
              But what if you took a city???
              Vote Democrat
              Support Democracy


              • #22
                Originally posted by POTUS
                But what if you took a city???
                Trespassing or taking another civilization's cities would still be considered an act of war.
                Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                • #23
                  Lorizael, I like your idea. It goes along with how I think there needs to be more diplomatic relations, besides peace and war.

                  Btw, I plan to update the first post with a true list by tomorrow night when I'm off of work.
                  However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                  • #24
                    @ Lorizael

                    Isn't that somewhat how it worked in C2?


                    • #25
                      /me skips the thread to post a brilliant, oft-suggested by many a player, idea

                      The ability to claim lands as you explore them. Other Civs could then recognize those claims and

                      a) Let you settle it
                      b) Take it for themselves (another reason to go to war)
                      c) Recognize your ownership, and purchase the claim.

                      This would make exploration slightly more powerful, no?
                      meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                      • #26
                        These ideas are from here:

                        I thought about an information screen telling everything about another civ. It would be accessed by right clicking the portrait of a foreign leader in the diplo screen. It could look like the attached picture.
                        (Here I'm commenting the picture. If my post interest you, you should watch it first). The shown resources are everything the foreign civ has at disposal (local + import), not only what they can trade. This way, you know if they can build knights or not at all. The "may want" resources are what they could buy from you. When your cursor is on a resource, you have a small popup which indicates where it comes from, or where it goes to (like "fine chinese silk" in your trade advisor)
                        The map is here so that you know where are the cities, like at the culture advisor.
                        The science tab would show all their knowledge, the most recent discoveries they made being at the top (it is useless to know directly they mastered writing when you have to scroll down all the way to know if they have advanced flight).
                        The buttons in the bottom would make it more practical to go spying (you are directly spying by the French) or comparing their army (you go directly to the defense advisor screen, the French being in the right column)
                        Sadly spiffor's pictures aren't accessible via apolyton's file system anymore.

                        International Peace Conference
                        - Since the world wars are difficult, if not impossible, to end, there should be a possibility to call international congresses (by clicking a button in the diplomacy / shift-D screen).
                        ( See this site for how it should look:
                        The central proposition (such as "peace treaty with any other, right of passage with any other"...) must be accepted by all so that the congress is a success. The proposition would make the leaders react, and you can see with their faces if they agree or not.
                        If they don't agree, what to do ? Bribe them ! By double clicking on their face, a specialized diplomacy screen should pop up, where you make propositions only to make them accept the treaty (private diplomacy can be held anywhere else during the game).
                        Naturally, you don't want to pay for the whole world peace. In such a situation, there should be a button when you're speaking to "give to..." an other :
                        (See this site)
                        Once you click it, the concessions you ask from your partner don't go to you, they go to another civ. Here's an example :
                        Let's say the Aztecs have won against the Iroquois, capturing Salamanca, but due to intricated MPPs, this war cannot cease. As the neighbours of the peaceful Iroquois, you don't want the balance to be broken by an unfinishable war. Then, you call a congress between Iroquois, Aztecs, all of their allies. The Aztecs will accept the peace treaty for 20 gold per turn, but you feel the Iroquois must pay : On the congress screen you double click on Hiawatha, choose "give to..." -> "the Aztecs". And then, as you would do in a normal diplomacy screen "gold"-> "per turn" -> "20".
                        (See this site: )
                        When you return on the congress screen, you see Moctezuma accepting, because he knows he recieves a compensation.
                        If you definately cannot have everyone accept, you could kick the "rebels" out the congress.

                        Well, I admit managing the other's diplomacy is not easy, so I think such a tool should be completely optional. But useful if you want to influence more directly the others. These multilateral bargainings could be used to make solid alliances too, by asking all those who are MPPed with you to MPP between themselves as well. (or to ask everyone to reduce his nuclear weapons, and so on...)
                        International congresses should be available once nationalism is discovered, or once UN is built. I don't think the AI could manage such a thing, so only the player could call for one. If the negociations succeed, due to your great diplomatic skill, the invited civs would be a bit more likely to vote for you.
                        Declare atrocities, sanctions, nuclear arms reductions, pollution reductions
                        -David Murray

                        Ask another Civ to end a war against a third civ.

                        Ability to pressure allies/others into breaking treaties/stopping war

                        Players should be able to trade units with other civilizations.
                        With the same system as for workers (the unit you want to trade must be in your capital, you must have trade roads with your partner).
                        The AI should value this unit about : the unit's modernity, the unit's experience, the civilization's military needs.

                        Players should be able to bribe other civs to declare war to others, without getting directly involved, like in Civ2. With this tool, you really can play a puppet-master kind of game : weakening your ennemies, and direclty helping your friends, without waging a war.

                        Your spies should know the vote intentions of infiltrated civs (POSSIBLE SPY OPTION??? INFILTRATE PLANNED COUNCIL VOTE???).
                        There should be a way to bribe the other civ to vote for you (HIGLY expensive, and impossible if their spies know you're going to win)

                        A complete information screen about others civs is needed for the civs with which you have an embassy.
                        It would list the: Government, capitol, relations with other civs (not only war/peace..., but also politeness), trade agreements, treasury, vote intentions, and most important : the knowledges they have and are researching. This screen should be accessed by a right click.
                        At the beginning of each turn, your foreign advisor "could" pop up (with an option for turning it off), saying in one screen everything which happened (war declarations, discovered technologies, traded technologies, diplomatic incidents...), big deal such as war and peace declarations would be written in bold.

                        Toned down requests for unit removals; or require the enemy to hurry their unit's movement through your lands
                        Examples: Ask them questions: ""Well, what is that unit doing here? Where is it going? How long will be be within our borders?" "

                        I'd like to be able to co-ordinate actions with the AI from time to time, rather than just have him running around doing his own thing.

                        There must be some way of demanding that the units NEVER RETURN to your lands

                        An expirable, non-revocable non-aggression treaty. This would fix trading between agressive and non-aggressive countries.
                        A Civ is agressive but needs some resources. Right now, the other Civs won't trade with them, likely due to security concerns. Why give oil to the enemy war machine?
                        But - a non-aggression treaty involved with a mutual trade that expires after 20 turns would allow the non-aggressive Civ a sense of security and give the aggressive Civ an opportunity to obtain trades and enjoy the diplomatic aspect of the game.
                        Allow us to trade security for goods - it makes sense and benefits both parties.

                        In the UN: anyone can ask someone to stop fighting another- useful if you have two potential allies but when you side with one it pisses the other off...
                        -Cian McGuire

                        If the UN is built and other nations have agreed to vote in favour of one of your competitors you have the option to say "F**k the UN!" and go on with your bussiness.
                        This decision would result in all other nations being at war with you for a period of 40 years.

                        Amassing troops next to A.I. border should be considered hostile and they should prompt you to demilitarize the area or declare war if they are outnumbered more than 5:1.

                        Is a "Dont watch allies/peace/enemies moves" (except combat) too much to ask for? (wasn't for SMAC)

                        We n eed to have more info on other civilizations in the foreign advisor screen (i.e. are they more or less technologically advanced?, what gov't type?, income per turn?, yada yada yada)
                        There. That's about it
                        -->Visit CGN!
                        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                        • #27

                          It would just be Contact. There would be no formal peace treaty of any sort, and because of that no need for formal declarations of war. Units from these civilizations could attack and destroy the other's units at will without suffering a hit to their reputation, to war weariness, or having to deal with many civilizations ganging up on the attacking civilization.
                          But what about in modern eras- nations can't just do that after they know a certain amount of other nations- it would enrage the third parties!

                          As more nations know more nations, there rises a need for an ever-incresingly complicated political structure- therefore, the structure you suggest is good, but I would posit that it is only good when a civ knows less than 3-4 other civs and that the civs that the two know in common is less than 3-4...
                          -->Visit CGN!
                          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                          • #28
                            I think this political structure would naturally go away anyways because diplomatic options are limited. Basically, no formal governmental action may be taken against another government. I'm not sure what the specifics of that would be, but there would be an incentive to actually recognize another government so that you can interact with it directly.
                            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                            • #29
                              An incentive hmm.... increased trade benefits between the two nations?
                              -->Visit CGN!
                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by DarkCloud

                                But what about in modern eras- nations can't just do that after they know a certain amount of other nations- it would enrage the third parties!

                                As more nations know more nations, there rises a need for an ever-incresingly complicated political structure- therefore, the structure you suggest is good, but I would posit that it is only good when a civ knows less than 3-4 other civs and that the civs that the two know in common is less than 3-4...
                                No... look at the conquest of America.

